Well, nobody’s perfect and Vantage 1.6.0 did ship with a few bugs. But thanks to the tireless Ωmega Testers (those of you who found the bugs AFTER it was released), we have been able to locate these nasty bugs and fix them. This package contains everything you need to be a happy Vantage 1.6.1 user. In this package you will find:
ASCII Table VCMD 1.2
Assign ESC VCMD 1.4
Files Joiner VCMD 1.2
Paste Macros VCMD 1.4
Patch 1.6.1
Sloppy Compare VCMD 1.4
Vantage 1.6.1 Update Kit Docs
Vantage Opener
Please note: 1) You need Vantage 1.6.0 to use this package. 2) NEVER patch the Vantage you are using to load the patch! 3) The ASCII Table, Assign ESC, Files Joiner, Paste Macros, Patch 1.6.1, and Sloppy Compare VCMDs will ONLY work with Vantage 1.6.0 or 1.6.1.
This VCMD will patch Vantage to V1.6.1. (The version number in the About dialog is changed to reflect this.) The patch makes the following fixes...
* Find buttons (like Change All) couldn't be accessed by the macro "button" statement.
* If you checked "Open file on open" in the Configure dialog, then opening multiple files from the Finder didn't work.
* Printing a window which is on a color monitor should now be faster. Other internal tweaks to the printing routines have been done. The author now has a GCC PLP to test Vantage with and it is printing just fine. However, HP DeskWriter users may still have problems. We are working on getting HP to cough up a printer to test with.
* If an error occurrs after printing a spool file, then the dialog box
for that error message now goes away after you click OK.
To use the VCMD, load it into a copy of Vantage that you don't want to patch, then run it on the copy of Vantage that you do want to patch.